how I think future wars are going to look like...

  Introduction / first opinions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Day  3,Hello and also sorry about posting very late. Ok so today's blog is going to be about how I think future wars are going to look like...Ok in my opinion I think world war 3 is going to be in 2070 or something or even 2100,in my head  I think it's going to look like big and robots are going to be there including a lot of tech. Maybe a bunch of drama happens and like the world starts ending or something like that! 

Who will have the best shelter to survive ? / how would it be like ?

I think the Royal family and like all the powerfull  people ,Maybe NASA has figured out a planet and kept it a secret for like 10 to 20 years and when the war comes they leave earth and keep on adding fake news about were they are so the enemies don't go there ...

What type of tech will be there ?

Tech is really big these days and will build up in the future people will start creating devices for the war for communication for soldiers to still be with their families and for help. Also people might make devices to kill people and make war from home by being able to kill through projectors!

Ok that's all for day 3 see you at day 4 and also comment what you
think future war would look like byeee...



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