
 Hello you may be like why am I posting today again ,I do special blog posts when I'm about to or I did hit something , you might be like okay now what exactly is this special event... Tomorrow is my 5th day of blogging which also means I'm half way from my 10th day of blogging ! This might sound boring but It's actually going to be real cool because I share my future blog posts and I'm going to be answering and asking questions !

Future blog posts !

My future posts will be super exiting because now I'm finding all these websites that help you guys  have a lovely time reading my blog, I give my special shoutouts to Fizzle , also I'm not sponsoring but I just want to say that Fizzle helps with beginners pros and everyone with blogging , it includes advice , podcasts, courses , success stories and a partnership with Zenbusiness ! Ok now lets go with my plan , on google docs I have planned a list of stuff I can do for the blog here is how it is now.

NOTE : Highlighted stuff are already done or they are notes...

1.cooking note:I can do a special with mum

2.india / countries-


3.gossip / news

4.advice / tips and tricks

5.daily life


Art Note :Extra

7.opinions / ideas

7.opinions / ideas notes :Extra

10.opinions / ideas about songs

8.talk about celebrities




13.cool facts

Comment everything you want to do soon !

Q & A

Here is a special Q&A !

Q1.What is your favourite colour ?

A1.I like naturistic colours like green !

Q2.Why did you start a blog ?

A2.I actually started a blog because I like writing in my dairy and acting like someone actually reads it and I got the chance to make a real blog but its very hard to get a audience !

Q3.What is your favourite sport ? 

A3.I like playing Netball !

Q4.What is your favourite book you have wrote ?

A4.It's this short story named the flying house maybe on Day 5 I should write about it !

Q5.If you had a choice of having superpowers which one would it be ?

A : Water     B: Fire     C: Rock     D : Mind reading    E : Telekenisis 

A5. I would go with E !

Ok that's it for the special Post see you on Day 5  Byeee !


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